Feldenkrais® Method - Movement & Awareness Education
Feldenkrais® Method of Somatic Education
Erica Trivett teaches the Feldenkrais® Method in person at Fairview Osteopathy or online two times weekly at 10am PST via zoom.
The Feldenkrais® Method was developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. It is based on his understandings of the neuroplasticity of the brain, awareness, learning, and developmental movement. The nutshell answer is awareness through movement yet hardly satisfies those wondering what it is the Feldenkrais® Method.
The Feldenkrais® Method has a wide range of benefits in physical and mental well-being. Many people come to a Feldenkrais® practitioner because they wish to ease a physical pain, understand habits, recover from an injury or a neurological condition. But the Feldenkrais® Method is much more than an advanced form of physical therapy. It is based on a sophisticated understanding of the human nervous system that helps students continuously improve their functioning in all areas of life.
The Feldenkrais® Method uses learning in the way that babies learn: through exploring movement and sensing the environment to learn and progress in development. For a baby that may be reaching for a toy and bringing it to the mouth, but for an adult, that may be learning to play a sport better, becoming a better actor or dancer, living a pain-free life, increasing productivity at work, or finding harmony in movement at home. Many students of the Feldenkrais® Method find their physical and non-physical problems spontaneously disappearing or shifting as they increase their self-awareness.
Feldenkrais® lessons empower people to take charge of one’s own improvement and are offered in two ways: group classes, called Awareness Through Movement®, and one-on-one lessons, called Functional Integration®.
Whether in group classes, private lessons or both, the Feldenkrais® Method can provide strategies to overcome limitations caused by stress, misuse, accident or illness.
© International Feldenkrais® Federation Archive Amherst
Awareness Through Movement®
In Awareness Through Movement® lessons (ATM™), the teacher uses descriptive language to guide a sequence of movements intended to develop a greater awareness of how the student moves and thinks. Feldenkrais® students can recover an ability that had been lost, and even create the ability to do things that were never previously possible.
After experiencing Awareness Through Movement® lessons, people often express feelings of relaxation and ease. They may breathe more freely and find their thoughts have more clarity. The learning process is full of pleasant surprises and personal breakthroughs.
© International Feldenkrais® Federation
Functional Integration®
Each Functional Integration® lesson is designed to meet an individual’s highly specific needs. Subtle touch and movement by the practitioner guide a personal process of self-discovery and functional improvement. Functional Integration® is not painful nor invasive, and is performed with the student fully clothed, lying or sitting on a low table. Functional Integration® lessons are especially useful for persons with specific limitations, and people unable to follow a sequence of verbal instruction.